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Wherever possible you should refer to the original PDF version of this document. 1 INCLUSIVE CAIRNGORMS Minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2011 at 11.00am In CNPA offices, Grantown-on-Spey and Ballater (by tele-conference) Present: Elspeth Grant CNPA Morag Redwood (acting chair)Highlands & Islands Equality Forum Hector MacDonald SDEF Martin Rodger Highland Disabled Ramblers Don Ferguson Highland Disabled Ramblers Anne Howe Badenoch & Strathspey Community Care Forum Kevin Hutchens Independent Social Worker Hazel McLaren Aberdeenshire Council Fran Pothecary CNPA Apologies: Jim Brown Blackrock Productions Eric Baird Glen Tanar Ranger service Claire Ross CNPA Kate Christie CNPA Ed Bushnell Crathie Opportunity Holidays Karen Archer CNPA Frances Powell Women@Work Project Jackie Cropper Grand Central Savings Stuart Robertson Aberdeenshire Council Anne MacLean RNIB Simon Jeffrey HC Community Learning and Development Maggie Lawson B&S Community Transport Co Carolyn Cornfield Caberfeidh Horizons Les Allan Aberdeenshire Council Ruth Sim Deeside Access Panel Ivor Souter Highland Council Rosemary MacKinnon Highland Council Rachel Strachan Capability Scotland Tracy Latham Aberdeenshire Council Welcome and Introduction 1. Morag Redwood welcomed everyone to the meeting and the apologies were noted. Minutes of the Last Meeting 2. The adoption of the minutes of the last meeting held on 7 September 2010 were proposed by Hector MacDonald and seconded by Morag Redwood, subject to a correction that Kevin Hutchens is now represented as an Independent social worker. Matters Arising from the Minutes page 2 3. Ref para 3, EG reported that revisions to the Leader application form and guidance note had been circulated, confirmed and forwarded to the Leader Grants team. The changes have been made. 4. Ref para 6, and Bob Kinnaird's presentation on Glenmore Lodge, EG reported that a meeting had been convened with Bob to explore opportunities on how to fill spare capacity on Glenmore Lodge courses with a more diverse audience, and how Inclusive Cairngorms could help to support this. One of the suggestions was to use IC to promote bursary places to potential applicants from under-represented / minority groups that they represent. It was generally felt that this approach would be useful, but this should be endorsed by the wider IC group. Action EG to seek views / ratification from wider IC group 5. Also on para 6, Hector MacDonald noted that Keith Robertson, SDEF will be in contact to discuss how SDEF could contribute on access issues. 6. On para 7, EG to find out about timescale on development of new National Park Plan and let IC know. Action EG 7. Re para 11 and rangers and outreach activities, it was suggested that rangers make contact with Day Centres, nursing homes, youth groups, SYHA hostels, Local Access Panels. It was also suggested that rangers are made aware of IC and its role in helping them reach under-represented groups. This could be promoted at the next Ranger Gathering in March. Action EG to pass on info to Ranger Support officer. 8. In the absence of Jackie Cropper, Morag Redwood gave a brief update on her work through SCVO: Highlands and Islands Equality Forum - raising awareness of equality, diversity and human rights Scottish Rural Equality Network (SREN) - network of under-represented groups in rural areas. Equality Roadshows incl 8 Feb in Grantown Climate change project - looking at how this will affect vulnerable groups / equality communities, how can they be supported, etc Developing MSc in Equalities and Human Rights with Glasgow Caledonian University Consolidating websites - SCVO, HIEF and SREN Public Duties Equality Duties 9. EG reported that CNPA had responded to the Scottish Govt consultation on the public sector equality duty in November 2010. There had been no report on the consultation published to date, but this was expected shortly. MR noted that the non-statutory codes of practice were due to be published on 9 February, and statutory codes to be consulted on at end of March. It was still unclear as to what CNPA is expected to publish - if anything - on 6 April 2011 when the Equality Duty comes into force. page 3 10. EG had circulated Park for All checklists, which have been produced as a result of carrying out generic Equality Impact Assessments on Holding public meetings, training events, producing publications and print, developing websites, and engaging communities. It was felt that these checklists would be useful not just for CNPA staff, but also for businesses and organisations to encourage them to make their service more accessible and inclusive. Comments from the group were noted, EG will revise the checklists, and upload onto CNPA website. The Cairngorms Business Partnership had also indicated they would provide a link from their website. Action EG Outdoor Access 11. Fran Pothecary gave an update on CNPA outdoor access work: Since Core Paths Plan adopted last March, outdoor access work being progressed through COAT (Cairngorms Outdoor Access Trust). Path improvements, signage and leaflets being developed with associated guidance. Cairngorms Local Outdoor Access Forum, the advisory forum on outdoor access across the Park, has vacancies for 6 members. Applications are welcome from Inclusive Cairngorms members and those representing a breadth of interest. Action EG to circulate details and links to application forms. Speyside Way extention to Newtonmore - currently going through Path Order process regarding the route at Kinrara. Outcome will be known in May. CNPA is now responsible for maintaining route that passes through the Park and is aware of many issues regarding accessibility eg bikes, horses. A luggage carrying service will provide a useful business opportunity in due course. Young People 12. No items to report Disability 13. Phototrails website - database of accessible trails throughout the UK, 6 of which are in CNP. Each trail is described through a series of photographs and accompanying information. Designed by the Fieldfare Trust. The website was highly commended, and it was asked whether links could be made to Local Access Panel / walking with wheels websites. Action EG to pass contact details to Anne Howe. 14. Anne Howe explained about the current funding situation for the Local Community Care Forum, which will end in June. There is currently no plan to maintain the network and the service provided through Anne's post - which includes disability awareness programme in schools, Local Access Panel support, running events, training, involvement in An Camas Mor, Caberfeidh bookshop. Suggestions / advice included: Asking the HC for an Equality impact assessment of this action Seeking advice from EHRC on human rights implications of this action. Any further suggestions should be sent to EG (who will forward to AH) page 4 15. CNPA Board election - EG reported that the election of 5 community representatives is underway. The election will be carried out by postal ballot to all residents in the Park. On Anne MacLean's behalf, EG asked for Inclusive Cairngorms' support to write to the returning officer to ensure that people with visual impairments have assistance with filling in ballot papers at Service Points (as in previous election). It was agreed to do this. Action EG 16. Highland Disabled Ramblers - own 9 scooters, 1 on loan. Storage problem. Suggest approach HC Equalities officer, Rosemary MacKinnon, private sector - CSR, Chamber of Commerce or Shopmobility Highland. Low Income 17. Suggestion for commissioning research on the impact of the recession on people on low incomes living and visiting the National Park. Eg Joseph Rowentree, Carnegie Trust. Election of Chair and membership 18. Jim Brown's two year term as chair is almost up, but he can be re-elected for another term. As there have been no other nominations from the membership, and Jim is willing to stand again, Kevin Hutchens proposed that Jim Brown is re-elected as chair for a further years. This was seconded by Hector MacDonald. 19. It was proposed that Morag Redwood is re-elected as vice-chair for a second term - by Don Ferguson, which was seconded by Anne Howe. 20. EG also noted that following the change in Board members, Eric Baird is no longer attending IC meetings, but suggested we ask him to remain on the group in his capacity as a ranger. It was agreed that Eric's input was very valuable, and that we invite him in his ranger's role. Action EG 21. EG also noted that it would be useful for a Board member to join IC, and that a new member, Gordon Riddler from Ballater had been approached by the convenor in this regard. It was agreed that this would be very useful to maintain the link with the Board. AOCB 22. KH asked about the effect of public spending cuts on CNPA's budget and equalities work. EG noted that CNPA's equalities and inclusion work is continuing as before. 23. EG reported that comments endorsed by Inclusive Cairngorms on the Sustainable Tourism Strategy had been fed back, and incorporated in to the final report. Date of Next meeting The date and venue of the next meeting will be arranged in due course. Elspeth Grant Feb 2011